
“Cameron Becker boasts a homogeneous voice with beautiful colors and good taste in phrasing.” Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Andrea Bomben, OperaClick

“The American tenor, Cameron Becker, with his athletic, yet flexible tenor voice, was able, not only to exhibit Max’s existential fear of failing, but also a convincing and touching expression of the character. His excellent diction aided in this endeavor.” Der Freischütz (Max) Opernglas Magazine

“Walther von der Vogelweide was interpreted by the high voiced, powerful, and agile tenor, Cameron Becker, who’s voice was demonstrated as consistent and of high quality.”  Tannhäuser (Walther von der Vogelweide) Teatro La Fenice. Mauro Masiero, RCF Classica

“Cameron Becker stood out among the Minnesänger with an extremely musical Walther.”  Tannhäuser (Walther von der Vogelweide) Teatro La Fenice. Luca Ramundo, OperaClick

“Cameron Becker, who sang the Seaman and Shepherd deserves a special mention. What a wonderful timbre, clean and flawlessly intonated tenor voice to be heard!” Tristan und Isolde (Seemann/Hirt) Kaspar Sannemann, Oper Aktuell

“Cameron Becker lended his stage presence and healthy, declamatory, and full-sounding tenor voice to the Shepherd and young Seaman.” Tristan und Isolde (Seemann/Hirt) Friedeon Rosén, Online Merker

“Refreshingly light, beautifully bright and radiant was the lyric tenor Cameron Becker.” Tristan und Isolde (Seeman/Hirt) Gerhard Hoffmann, der neue Merker

“Everyone portrayed their parts poignantly. Worthy of special mention is Cameron Becker’s Aljeja, whose slender tenor voice did the figure justice at every moment.” From the House of the Dead (Aljeja) Oliver Hohlbach, Operapoint

“Excellent with his interpretation and young, bright tenor voice was Cameron Becker.” From the House of the Dead (Aljeja) Renate Freyeisen, Opernnetz

Cameron Becker’s Aljeja was sung in an extremely appealing, plangent and distinctive tenor and he’s certainly a singer I’d like to hear again.” From the House of the Dead (Aljeja) Operatraveller

“The secret star of the evening was Cameron Becker as Pedrillo. Lively, natural dialogue, and such a confident top, that even the feared aria “Frisch zum Kampfe, frisch zum Streite” sounded like an easy Couplet. Bravo!” Die Entfürhung aus dem Serail (Pedrillo) Manfred Kraft, Badische Neueste Nachrichten

“The newly engaged, american tenor, Cameron Becker, delivers an exquisitely sturdy portrayal as Pedrillo. The refreshingly agile tenor contributes so much humor and voice to the evening and is an ideal cast for the role.”
 Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Pedrillo) Die Rheinpfalz

“All the more praise-worthy are singers like Cameron Becker, with an exemplary portrayal of his role and authoritative articulation.” Katja Kabanova (Kudrjas) Peter Jungblut, Bayerische Rundfunk

“Cameron Becker’s voice shone into the world bright and clear in the role of Kudrjasch…” Katja Kabanova (Kudrjas) Juan Martin Koch, Mittelbayerische Zeitung

“Camille de Rosillon (beautifully broken and vocally strong: Cameron Becker)”  The Merry Widow (Camille de Rosillon) Michael Scheiner, Mittelbayerische Zeitung

“Cameron Becker as Fenton, was able to blend his vocally ardent displays of affection with a touch of parody.” Falstaff (Fenton) Gerhard Dietel, Mittelbayerische Zeitung

“Cameron Becker allows a touch of opera belcanto to resonate in the song “Maria”. At such moments, even Bernstein’s music achieves a stillness and is unashamedly sentimental.” West Side Story (Tony) Gerhard Dietel, Mittelbayerische Zeitung

“From the entire cast on this premiere evening, Cameron Becker deserves the greatest compliment in the role of Tony. Both in his voice and acting, he is captivatingly empathetic in this role. His smooth and elastic voice transfigures numbers like “Maria” or “Tonight” into a genuine experience of sound.” West Side Story (Tony) Stefan Rimek, Oberpfalznetz

“Cameron Becker plays a likeable and mature Tony, singing of his love and his suffering with a clear voice; such as in his flawless interpretation of “Maria.” West Side Story (Tony) Britta Schönhüti, Cult : online